lundi 31 août 2020

After just 100 days, the former Disney

It's safe to say that Kevin Mayer will not have lasted long as the head of TikTok. Between the various stormy cases that the box has had to face in recent times, the former Disney who was chosen to lead TikTok is already retiring from his position as CEO , after a brief stint of 100 days in the reins of the box.

Indeed, on August 26, Kevin Mayer made a statement to announce that he is stepping down as President and CEO of TikTok . Behind this decision, there is obviously the tense context between China and the United States claiming that the famous application of ByteDance threatens American national security.

 After only 100 days, the former Disney who found himself at the TikTok head returns the apron

Credits Pixabay

Thus, the American president has signed an ordinance, August 6, vibanning the world's largest mini-video sharing app in the event that ByteDance does not divest TikTok's US assets by November 12. An approach to which TikTok recently replied by suing the Trump administration for unconstitutional ruling .

TikTok ban in the United States web de fond

To summarize the situation, ByteDance, the parent company of TikTok, is a Chinese firm. As a result, like many others, TikTok is suspected of colluding with the Chinese government in collecting and sending users' personal data to China for surveillance and espionage. What ByteDance has always firmly denied.

With over 80 million US users per month, being banned in the USThe United States will mean a huge loss for the parent company of TikTok which, as you know, is already banned in India, one of its biggest markets internationally.

Kevin Mayer did not last long at the head of TikTok

To build a better image, TikTok has therefore found an American CEO in the person of Kevin Mayer to lead its international operations. But apparently the latter had predicted that the disputes between the United States and China would affect TikTok to this point.

Which would have ultimately driven him to make the apron , 100 days after his appointment.

TheGeneral Manager of the American section of TikTok, Vanessa Pappas, has tried to reassure her audience. The latter asserts in a video to users that their staff is working to have the most secure application.

Moreover, the latter is expected to end up at the head of TikTok with the resignation of the one who contributed a lot to the launch of Disney +.

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