vendredi 30 octobre 2020

Q&A with Google on Transforming Security

Search marketing is undergoing a transformation with new technologies. Artificial intelligence, voice search , visual search, Amazon and blockchain all have an impact on the way we seek information and buy products and services. online.

The Transformation of Search Summit , which takes place in New York on October 19, combines the expertise of ClickZ and Search Engine Watch, in partnership with Catalyst (which makes part of GroupM), as well as speakers from Hertz, Hilton, Condé Nast, LEGO, etc., to dissect the current landscape and offer an in-depth dive into concrete steps to perpetuate and protect your strategy.

This week, we spoke with Juan Felipe Rincón, Global Lead of Trust & Safety Search Outreach at Google , to discuss his role at Google . He will participate in a round table with Google , Amazon, Bing, Facebook, Pinterest , Twitter and Adobe.

ClickZ: Tell us a bit about your role?

Juan Felipe : I lead a global team of outreach experts who help website owners build high quality and secure websites which also follow Google's Webmaster Guidelines . We are part of the Google Trust and Security Team, and my team's overall goal is to provide clarity and transparency regarding the operation of our product policies.

CZ: What are your main priorities over the next 12 months?

JF : We have some main long-term goals:

  • We want to encourage the adoption of HTTPS on the Web until the vast majority of traffic is using HTTPS. Not only because it provides a scritical security and data integrity for websites and personal information and user surfing behavior, but also because HTTPS is a requirement for many new browser features, especially those required for them. progressive web applications.
  • We want to encourage significant growth in the participation and success of women content creators and entrepreneurs in all parts of the web ecosystem, especially in emerging markets - from learning to from running a successful website to being successful as an online entrepreneur, to developing channels for them to be search marketing experts.
  • We want to dramatically reduce the incidence of website hacking around the world by making sure that website owners adopt common best practices. Hacked websites are an eA huge problem for their owners, but above all they pose a risk to the health of the Web and the safety of Web users . The harder we make it difficult for questionable actors to compromise websites, the safer we make the web.

CZ: What is your biggest challenge in achieving this?

JF : education and scale. To fix this, we need to make sure our messages get to the right people, and then we need to make sure they take action. It 's on the web, in over 20 languages ​​and on millions and millions of websites - and sometimes, especially when we are addressing gender equity issues, helping people to overcome societal dynamics that make action more difficult. It combines some of the more difficult parts of awareness marketing and product education marketing.

CZ: What advice do you have for those who canface a similar challenge?

JF : Come back to theory. The problems of conducting large-scale behavior change have been studied for centuries, and there are practices and methods that have been well studied to understand all aspects of what Everett Rogers called the life cycle of the 'adoption of chnology. Second, be patient and understand that you may not always be able to attribute changes to your efforts. Most of all, it reminds me that we use time-tested techniques, and these big changes take time, and if the changes do eventually happen, everyone benefits, whether my team deserves it or not.

CZ: What is the most interesting trend you are seeing in the market right now?

JF : This has been going on for many years, but I'm still surprised at how difficult the notion of "webmaster" isunlike what she was 15 years ago. The great number of tools that make it easy for anyone to build a fantastic website without the need for technical training is great and very powerful.

It also means we need to change the way we think about our standard solutions for content creators, from everything to the way we let people know how their websites perform on organic search the way we talk about concepts like mobile optimizations, structured data markup, ""> page speed and other topics that are very user-centric but which are currently discussed in very technical terms.

CZ: How is this going to change in support and in the long term?

JF : We're all going to have to feel more comfortable assuming our audiences don't have any technical knowledge, and we will equalement need to demystify a lot of technology so that people who have already done difficult things like learning how to start a business, hire employees, manage supply chains,


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CZ: Do you have a daily routine?

JF : There are some things that happen every week, it has to happen at a specific time, but for the most part I try not to making my days a routine if only because most of the things in my job would make that routine fall apart anyway.

I make it a point to block time in my schedule at least 3 times a week for strength training. This is the only way I have found to do something like meditation without meditating, which I find very difficult to do. It helps me control anxiety and ward off early signs of stress and depression.

CZ: When you were a kid, what did you want to be growing up?

JF : I never knew how to answer this question, but the most consistent memory of who I thought I was is a university with a doctorate in something that looks impressive.

Juan Felipe is the Webmaster Outreach Manager and EMEA User Advocacy Manager within the Google Search Quality Team , and its mission is to help webmasters create great online content and make it accessible to users. Prior to joining Google , he spent most of the last 15 years in the mobile and wireless industry Developer evangelism when building mobile apps involved trying to put things on tiny little flip phones.

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